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Taiwan car lab
  • Virtual testing of self-driving cars

  • Information gathering platform

  • Traffic testing site


Operational planning and the R&D services platform of Taiwan CAR Lab are overseen by the National Applied Research Laboratories (NARLabs). The Taiwan CAR Lab work team includes the NARLabs intelligent vehicle project office and operates in conjunction with NARLabs, the National Center for High-Performance Computing, the Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute, and the Taiwan Instrument Research Institute. Primary responsibilities include project implementation and operational planning of the intelligent driving testing laboratory, establishment and maintenance of the intelligent driving testing database, R&D of testing image automatic interpretation techniques, and virtual simulation R&D. In addition, Taiwan CAR Lab cooperates with the Automotive Research & Testing Center (ARTC), Ministry of Economic Affairs, which brings years of experience in vehicle testing and self-driving vehicle R&D. Taiwan CAR Lab and ARTC jointly developed testing techniques for domestic self-driving vehicles, an advanced ADAS system, internet of vehicles, and information security. Together, they plan to use systematic testing results and data to provide domestic organizations with recommendations for future standards and specifications for self-driving vehicles and internet of vehicles.

Road Tests

Detailed road design and planning supports accurate measurements and data of ride performance for self-driving vehicles.

Road Condition Simulations

Designed 15 road test items that simulate driving conditions on Taiwan’s roads to evaluate the environmental response capabilities of self-driving vehicles.

Virtual Platform

Graphics processing units to provide the resources and environment for  building a virtual computing platform for self-driving vehicles.

Contact Us

Address | No.2, Sec. 1, Guiren 13th Rd.,
Guiren Dist., Tainan City 711010,
Taiwan (R.O.C.)

TEL|06-3032-868 FAX|06-3032-923

Monday to Friday 8:00-17:00
(Closed on national holidays)

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